high efficiency LEFILTER oil filter cart
Introduction: high efficiency LEFILTER oil filter cart Thefiltrationunit LEFILTER filter car mobileisdesignedtofillhydraulictanks(whilstfilteringthefluid). Itcanalsofilterofflineandpumphydraulicandlubricationoilsoutofhydraulictanks(withoutfiltration)Themobilef
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Product parameter:
high efficiency LEFILTER oil filter cart
The filtration unit LEFILTER filter car mobile is designed to fill hydraulic tanks(whilst filtering the fluid).
It can also filter offline and pump hydraulic and lubrication oils out of hydraulic tanks (without filtration)The mobile filtration unit can also be equipped with a Contamination Sensor CS 1000 as an option for simultaneous monitoring of solid particle contamination in the oil.
Applications of oil change equipment
Hydraulic and lubrication oil
Advantages of oil change equipment
Convenient offline filtration
Simple to operate
Greater system availability
Reduction of Life Cycle Cost LCC
Filtration and fluid monitoring
(optional) in one device
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