4CU15-060 Parker Finite Pneumatic Filter Element
Introduction: LEFILTER can manufacture coalescing filters of 4CU15-060 Parker Finite Pneumatic Filter Element for most any application and cross reference most manufacturers Part Numbers. We have the capability to manufacture filters from 0.50 ID x 0.50
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Product parameter:
LEFILTER can manufacture coalescing filters of 4CU15-060 Parker Finite Pneumatic Filter Element for most any application, and cross reference most manufacturers Part Numbers.
We have the capability to manufacture filters from 0.50" ID x 0.50" long to over 8" on the OD and 8 feet long.
applications and industries of 4CU15-060 Parker Finite Pneumatic Filter Element:
Air Brake Coalescing Filter
Air Brake Systems that use Coalescing Filters
Compressed Air Systems
Compressors that requite a high efficiency Coalescing Filter
Coalescing Oil for almost any application
Coalescing Filters used in the Refrigeration Industry
You can create your own PN by using the chart below, or send us your drawing for us to either duplicate your current filter or have us manufacture a custom filter for your application.
We can manufacture other sizes. Just let us know your requirements.
OD standard sizes 0.5 / 0.75 / 1.00 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2.00 / 2.5
We can manufacture other sizes. Just let us know your requirements.
Length standard sizes - 1" - 1.25" - 1.5" - 2.00" / 2.5" / 5.00" / 6.00" / 7.50" / 10.00" / 12.00" / 18.00"
We can manufacture other sizes. Just let us know your requirements.
*G04-010 |
10T10-025 |
2H15-095 |
6C25-280 |
8CS85-250 |
*G04-013 |
10T10-025 |
2H20-187 |
6CS51-280 |
8CS85-360 |
*G04-023 |
10T10-070 |
2HM06-013 |
6CS85-250 |
8CU10-025 |
*G10-025 |
10T10-070 |
2IU10-025 |
6CS85-360 |
8CU10-050 |
*G10-070 |
10T15-060 |
2IU10-050 |
6CU10-025 |
8CU10-055 |
*G15-060 |
10T20-090 |
2IU15-060 |
6CU10-050 |
8CU15-060 |
*G20-090 |
10T20-187 |
2IU15-095 |
6CU10-055 |
8CU15-095 |
*G20-187 |
10U10-050 |
2IU20-130 |
6CU15-060 |
8CU19-187 |
*T04-010 |
12C10-025 |
2IU20-187 |
6CU15-095 |
8CU20-130 |
*T04-013 |
12C10-050 |
2IU25-130 |
6CU19-187 |
8CU20-187 |
*T04-023 |
12C15-060 |
2IU25-187 |
6CU20-130 |
8CU25-130 |
*T10-025 |
12C15-095 |
2IU25-235 |
6CU20-187 |
8CU25-187 |
*T10-070 |
12C20-130 |
2IU25-280 |
6CU25-130 |
8CU25-235 |
*T15-060 |
12C20-187 |
4C10-025 |
6CU25-187 |
8CU25-280 |
*T20-090 |
12C25-130 |
4C10-050 |
6CU25-235 |
8CU35-280 |
*T20-187 |
12C25-187 |
4C15-060 |
6CU25-280 |
8CU51-280 |
10C10-025 |
12C25-235 |
4C15-095 |
6CU35-060 |
8CU85-250 |
10C10-050 |
12C25-280 |
4C20-130 |
6CU35-280 |
8CU85-360 |
10C15-060 |
12CS51-280 |
4C20-187 |
6CU35-360 |
8DS10-025 |
10C15-095 |
12CS85-250 |
4C25-130 |
6CU51-280 |
8DS10-050 |
10C20-130 |
12CS85-360 |
4C25-187 |
6CU85-250 |
8DS15-060 |
10C20-187 |
12CU10-025 |
4C25-235 |
6CU85-280 |
8DS15-095 |
10C25-130 |
12CU10-050 |
4C25-280 |
6CU85-360 |
8DS20-130 |
10C25-187 |
12CU15-060 |
4CS51-280 |
6DS10-025 |
8DS20-187 |
10C25-235 |
12CU15-095 |
4CS85-250 |
6DS10-050 |
8DS25-130 |
10C25-280 |
12CU20-130 |
4CS85-360 |
6DS15-060 |
8DS25-187 |
10CS51-280 |
12CU20-187 |
4CU10-025 |
6DS15-095 |
8DS25-235 |
10CS85-250 |
12CU25-130 |
4CU10-050 |
6DS20-130 |
8DS25-280 |
10CS85-360 |
12CU25-187 |
4CU10-055 |
6DS20-187 |
8DS35-280 |
10CU10-025 |
12CU25-235 |
4CU15-060 |
6DS25-130 |
8DS51-280 |
10CU10-050 |
12CU25-280 |
4CU15-095 |
6DS25-187 |
8DS85-250 |
10CU10-055 |
12CU35-280 |
4CU19-187 |
6DS25-235 |
8DS85-360 |
10CU15-060 |
12CU51-280 |
4CU20-130 |
6DS25-280 |
8DV51-280 |
10CU15-095 |
12CU85-250 |
4CU20-187 |
6DS35-280 |
8DV85-250 |
10CU19-187 |
12CU85-360 |
4CU25-130 |
6DS51-280 |
8DV85-360 |
10CU20-130 |
12DS10-025 |
4CU25-187 |
6DS85-250 |
8G04-013 |
10CU20-187 |
12DS10-050 |
4CU25-235 |
6DS85-360 |
8G04-023 |
10CU25-130 |
12DS15-060 |
4CU25-280 |
6DV51-280 |
8G05-011 |
10CU25-187 |
12DS15-095 |
4CU35-280 |
6DV85-250 |
8G10-025 |
10CU25-235 |
12DS20-130 |
4CU51-280 |
6DV85-360 |
8G10-050 |
10CU25-280 |
12DS20-187 |
4CU85-250 |
6G04-013 |
8G10-070 |
10CU35-280 |
12DS25-130 |
4CU85-360 |
6G04-023 |
8G15-060 |
10CU51-280 |
12DS25-187 |
4DS10-025 |
6G05-011 |
8G15-095 |
10CU85-250 |
12DS25-235 |
4DS10-050 |
6G10-025 |
8G20-187 |
10CU85-360 |
12DS25-280 |
4DS15-060 |
6G10-050 |
8H04-010 |
10DS10-025 |
12DS35-280 |
4DS15-095 |
6G10-070 |
8H04-013 |
10DS10-050 |
12DS51-280 |
4DS20-130 |
6G15-060 |
8H04-023 |
10DS15-060 |
12DS85-250 |
4DS20-187 |
6G15-095 |
8H05-011 |
10DS15-095 |
12DS85-360 |
4DS25-130 |
6G20-187 |
8H10-020 |
10DS20-130 |
2C10-025 |
4DS25-187 |
6H04-010 |
8H10-025 |
10DS20-187 |
2C10-050 |
4DS25-235 |
6H04-013 |
8H10-050 |
10DS25-130 |
2C15-060 |
4DS25-280 |
6H04-023 |
8H10-070 |
10DS25-187 |
2C15-095 |
4DS35-280 |
6H05-011 |
8H15-060 |
10DS25-235 |
2C20-130 |
4DS51-280 |
6H10-020 |
8H15-095 |
10DS25-280 |
2C20-187 |
4DS85-250 |
6H10-025 |
8H20-035 |
10DS35-280 |
2C25-130 |
4DS85-360 |
6H10-050 |
8H20-090 |
10DS51-280 |
2C25-187 |
4DV51-280 |
6H10-070 |
8H20-187 |
10DS85-250 |
2C25-235 |
4DV85-250 |
6H15-060 |
8HM06-013 |
10DS85-360 |
2C25-280 |
4DV85-360 |
6H15-095 |
8IU10-025 |
10DV51-280 |
2CS51-280 |
4G04-013 |
6H20-035 |
8IU15-060 |
10DV85-250 |
2CS85-250 |
4G04-023 |
6H20-084 |
8IU15-095 |
10DV85-360 |
2CS85-360 |
4G05-011 |
6H20-090 |
8IU20-130 |
10G04-013 |
2CU10-025 |
4G10-025 |
6H20-181 |
8IU20-187 |
10G04-023 |
2CU10-050 |
4G10-050 |
6H20-187 |
8IU25-130 |
10G05-011 |
2CU10-055 |
4G10-070 |
6HM06-013 |
8IU25-187 |
10G10-025 |
2CU15-060 |
4G15-060 |
6IU10-025 |
8IU25-235 |
10G10-050 |
2CU15-095 |
4G15-095 |
6IU10-050 |
8IU25-280 |
10G10-070 |
2CU19-187 |
4G20-187 |
6IU15-060 |
8U10-050 |
10G15-060 |
2CU20-130 |
4H04-013 |
6IU15-095 |
AU10-025 |
10G15-095 |
2CU20-187 |
4H04-023 |
6IU20-130 |
AU10-035 |
10G20-187 |
2CU25-130 |
4H05-011 |
6IU20-187 |
AU10-050 |
10H04-010 |
2CU25-187 |
4H10-025 |
6IU25-130 |
AU10-055 |
10H04-013 |
2CU25-235 |
4H10-050 |
6IU25-187 |
AU15-060 |
10H04-023 |
2CU25-280 |
4H10-070 |
6IU25-235 |
AU15-095 |
10H05-011 |
2CU35-280 |
4H15-060 |
6IU25-280 |
AU20-130 |
10H10-020 |
2CU51-280 |
4H15-095 |
6T04-013 |
AU20-187 |
10H10-025 |
2CU85-250 |
4H20-187 |
6T04-023 |
AU25-130 |
10H10-050 |
2CU85-360 |
4HM06-013 |
6T04-023 |
AU25-187 |
10H10-070 |
2DV51-280 |
4IU10-025 |
6T10-025 |
AU25-235 |
10H15-060 |
2DV85-250 |
4IU10-050 |
6T10-025 |
AU25-280 |
10H15-095 |
2DV85-360 |
4IU15-060 |
6T10-070 |
AU35-280 |
10H20-035 |
2G04-013 |
4IU15-095 |
6T10-070 |
AU51-280 |
10H20-090 |
2G04-023 |
4IU20-130 |
6T15-060 |
AU85-250 |
10H20-187 |
2G05-011 |
4IU20-187 |
6T20-090 |
AU85-360 |
10HM06-013 |
2G10-025 |
4IU25-130 |
6T20-090 |
AV51-280 |
10IU10-025 |
2G10-050 |
4IU25-187 |
6T20-187 |
AV85-250 |
10IU15-060 |
2G10-070 |
4IU25-235 |
8C10-025 |
AV85-360 |
10IU15-095 |
2G15-060 |
4IU25-280 |
8C10-050 |
CLS 112-10 |
10IU20-130 |
2G15-095 |
6C10-025 |
8C15-060 |
CLS 112-6 |
10IU20-187 |
2G20-187 |
6C10-050 |
8C15-095 |
CLS 112 |
10IU25-130 |
2H04-013 |
6C15-060 |
8C20-130 |
CLS 110 |
10IU25-187 |
2H04-023 |
6C15-095 |
8C20-187 |
CLS 110L |
10IU25-235 |
2H05-011 |
6C20-130 |
8C25-130 |
CLS 116 |
10IU25-280 |
2H10-025 |
6C20-187 |
8C25-187 |
10T04-013 |
2H10-050 |
6C25-130 |
8C25-235 |
10T04-023 |
2H10-070 |
6C25-187 |
8C25-280 |
10T04-023 |
2H15-060 |
6C25-235 |
8CS51-280 |
4CWC11-035 and 4CWC11-070 Parker Replacement Filters for High Pressure CNG
Contact Us Now !
Attn: Ms Erica
Mobile : 0086-13069352523 (whatsApp/wechat)
E-mail: sales02@xxfilter.com
Skyp: lefilteryu
Company: Xinxiang Lifeierte Filter Corp. Ltd
Please fill in your procurement needs and contact information