Xinxiang Lifeierte Filter Corp.,Ltd



MP Filtri filter element HP0651A10ANP01

Introduction: MP Filtri filter element HP0651A10ANP01 Specifications ofMP Filtri filter element HP0651A10ANP01: 1.Thequalityandperformancecanbeguaranteedasoriginalelements. 2.TemperatureRange-4F~212F 3.Seals:nitrileseals 4.Collapsepressurerating21bar(Hy

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MP Filtri filter element HP0651A10ANP01

Specifications of MP Filtri filter element HP0651A10ANP01:

1.The quality and performance can be guaranteed as original elements.
2.Temperature Range -4°F~212°F
3.Seals: nitrile seals,
4.Collapse pressure rating 21bar (Hydraulic Liquid Filtration)
5.Filtering precision 10 micron.
6.Filter Medium: glass fiber
7.Fluid Compatibility Compatible with all petroleum oils,water glycols, oil/water emulsions, 
high water base fluids,and synthetic fluids compatible with Fluoro Rubber or EPR seals.
MP Filtri filter

Model of MP Filtri filter element ,
CSGW150P10A CU100M125V CU250P25V CU350M60V
CSGW150P25A CU100M250N CU250M60N CU350M90N
CT050A10AB CU100M250V CU250M60V CU350M90V
CT050A25AB CU100M25N CU250M60WB CU350P10N
CT050M60AB CU100M25V CU250M60WV CU350P10V
CT050M90AB CU100M60N CU250M90N CU350P25N
CT050P10AB CU100M60V CU250M90V CU350P25V
CT050P25AB CU100M90N CU250P10N CU40A03N
CT070A10AB CU100M90V CU250P10V CU40A03V
CT070A25AB CU100P10N CU250P25N CU40A06N
CT070M60AB CU100P10V CU250P25V CU40A06V
CT070M90AB CU100P25N CU25A10N CU40A10N
CT070P10AB CU100P25V CU25A25N CU40A10V
CT070P25AB CU200A10N CU25M10N CU40A25N
CT100A10AB CU200A25N CU25M250N CU40A25V
CT100A25AB CU200M10N CU25M25N CU40M10N
CT100M60AB CU200M250N CU25M60N CU40M125N
CT100M90AB CU200M25N CU25M90N CU40M125V
CT100P10AB CU200M60N CU25P10N CU40M250N
CT100P25AB CU200M90N CU25P25N CU40M250V
CT150A10AB CU200P10N CU350A03N CU40M25N
CT150A25AB CU200P25N CU350A03V CU40P25V
CT150M60AB CU250A03N CU350A06N CU40M60N
CT150M90AB CU250A03V CU350A06V CU40M60V
CT150P10AB CU250A06N CU350A10N CU40M90N
CT150P25AB CU250A06V CU350A10V CU40M90V
CU100A03N CU250A10N CU350A25N CU40P10N
CU100A03V CU250A10V CU350A25V CU40P10V
CU100A06N CU250A25N CU350M10N CU40P25N
CU100A06V CU250A25V CU350M125N CU40P25V
mp filtri filter element hp0651a10anp01


mp filtri filter element hp0651a10anp01


mp filtri filter element hp0651a10anp01

Made by Xinxiang Lifeierte Filter Corp.,Ltd
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